About Our Mission
Hearts Across the Miles is a volunteer run, 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose goal is to ensure that deployed United States Service Members from all branches of the military do not feel forgotten. It is our hope that with community support, we are able to continue to lift the morale of our troops while serving overseas. For over 20 years, Hearts Across the Miles has partnered with Girl Scouts of America to send cookies to our deployed military. Our organization collects Girl Scout cookies that the community buys under the category of “Hometown Heroes” and with the help of many volunteers, we ship 8,000 – 10,000 boxes of cookies each year to our deployed military! We also include thank you letters from schools and the community! (*We always protect and respect the identity and safety of the Service Members we are supporting. It is an honor to serve them!)
* Donating money to help with packaging and shipping (we spend over $10,000 annually shipping to overseas military)
* Providing the name/overseas address of a deployed Service Member you want to receive a care package
* Coordinating a letter writing event (perhaps at your school or church) for inclusion in our care packages
* Letting us know if you would like to help with our annual packing events
We would like to give a special thank you to our dedicated supporters:
– Girl Scouts of America
– Colorado National Guard
– Mesa Moving and Storage
– City of Lone Tree
Saying Thank You!
Please help HATM to support our deployed Service Members so they never feel lonely.
We owe our freedom to them - they are our Nation's heroes.

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!"
-Maya Angelou
consider coordinating a thank you letter writing event - we are happy to include these general messages with our packages. Please contact us so we can integrate them with our packing events!
consider coordinating a thank you letter writing event - we are happy to include these general messages with our packages. Please contact us so we can integrate them with our packing events!